Many a good priest has encouraged his congregation to arrive 5 minutes early before Mass for some time of prayer. In this time, we get to prepare our hearts and minds for the great sacrifice of the Mass that we are about to participate in.
Many people I know arrive on Sunday to quietly pray their rosary and get to confession beforehand also, and that’s very commendable.
With these thoughts, it has led me to consider the musicians at Mass also. How are they having time to prepare their hearts for the Mass and for their participation in the liturgy about to commence?
So often I’ve arrived at various churches and parishes, where music is being rehearsed for all to hear right up until the last minute. Sometimes it’s music, sometimes there’s lots of chatter - treating it as a social gathering. Sometimes it’s a cacophony of both going through the microphones. Whatever the noise, it’s very difficult for those in the church to pray, and for musicians to take their role as a holy and sacred one, if not spiritually prepared for it.
With all that said, I’d like to address those leading the music to provide the opportunity for prayer to take place in the church prior to Mass for everyone involved. Let’s reduce last minute music practice, and remove discussions more fit for outside, and instead provide a prayerful environment.
If we want flourishing, reverent, and spiritually thriving parishes, we need to provide the time and space for that, and as sacred musicians we have the privilege to enhance the experience also.
Consider having a simple prelude chant or quiet organ to calm the people and remind them of this holy ground as they enter those church doors – where Heaven and earth is to meet, and where the King of Kings is always there and waiting for us.
When that prelude music finishes, you will notice the difference.
Ten minutes isn’t long, but God can convert hearts in that short time.